Terms and Condition

Term and condition of the company right and the duties of the seller and the buyer Obligation of the seller

  1. Delivery of the property and handing over the documents that the company must deliver the property hand over any documents relating to property. The company must deliver goods which are free from any right or claim of the third person, unless the buyer agrees to take the good in that condition The company will provide the property which is of the quality and description required by the contract Obligation of the buyer The buyer must pay the price to the company and take delivery of the property required by the contract Partial performance of delivery In the case dealt with where the company only delivers part of the property, the buyer may refuse or come back for an amicable settlement of how to go about it Refund policy: our company is working on retail business. Once the buyer takes the property, it must be returned within one week without being used, but money refundment shall be within fifteen days Description of our service and products We offer general types of products to customers online in the Republic of South Sudan at an affordable price Governing law applicable shall be the South Sudan laws